Mophie Juice Pack Plus for iPhone 5

Mophie Juice Pack Plus for iPhone 5

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The mophie juice pack plus is a battery case made for the user who puts their iPhone 5 through the paces morning to night, maxing out features, apps, video, email and web browsing while on-the-go. The case features a 2100mAh battery, translating to an added 120 percent of extra battery life and offers the most power of mophie’s battery case solutions for the iPhone 5 to date. For protection, the juice pack plus’ dual-injected sleeve is engineered with a shockproof band and anti scratch guides to help buffer the impact of falls.

The juice pack plus for iPhone 5 comes in three colors, monochromatic soft touch black, glossy white and metallic red in collaboration with Product (RED).

• Longest Battery Life to Date - Featuring a 2100mAh battery, the juice pack plus provides an added 120 percent of extra battery to do more with their iPhone 5
- Up to 10 additional hours talk time on 3G
- Up to 12 additional hours internet use on Wi-Fi, 10 on 3G
- Up to 50 hours additional audio playback
- Up to 12 hours video playback

• Lightning Pass Through - Simple lightning pass-through enables users to charge the iPhone 5 and juice pack together with the included micro USB cable.

• Listening Made Easy - With the movement of the headphone jack to the bottom of the device, we’ve included an earphone adaptor to keep on your earphones at all times for convenient listening, anytime, anywhere.

• On Demand Charging - The flip of a switch allows for users to toggle between charging and standby, allowing the user to benefit from the battery when needed.

• LED Battery Indicator - A discreet LED light panel tells you exactly how much “juice” is available in the case at the push of a button, and blinks for 30-seconds when lightening cable is connected.

• Fast Charge – Charging output has been upgraded from .5A to 1A which delivers a faster charge to your iPhone 5.

$120   BUY · SAVE
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