Write and Draw on the SMART Kapp42 Capture Board

Write and Draw on the SMART Kapp42 Capture Board

by Yoav
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The SMART kapp 42″ capture board enables you to collaborate with others in a simple but powerful way. Write and draw on the capture board like you would a regular dry erase board. You can then connect a Bluetooth-enabled mobile device to the capture board by scanning a Quick Response (QR) code or by tapping the Near Field Communication (NFC) tag.

When you first connect your mobile device, you’re directed to the Apple App Store or Google Play to download the SMART kapp app. After you download and install the app, you can use it to connect to your capture board and share content with others.

Get Started Right Away
Put it up. Plug it in. Create.

Easily Save and Share Notes
Store content as snapshots on a mobile device. Automatically share snapshots to your Evernote account.

Real-Time Sharing
Remote participants can be invited to view content in real-time using any browser

Refined Inking
Write and erase on the sleek, glass surface without ever staining it.

Full Data Security
Shared content is immediately deleted when you disconnect your device.

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